The Admin app

The Taskr admin app is where you, as a store owner, can monitor your plan usage, your tasks progress, and manage your teams and staff users. It is made up of the following screens. Below we detail each screen and what they do


Home screen

Once you have installed Taskr and signed up to a plan, you will see the home screen. Here you can see an overview of your usage and quickly access key screens and documentation.

Key Areas

  1. Plan details
  2. Tasks
  3. Users
  4. A link to the Staff app that you can share with users.
  5. A convenient way to open Shopify Flow.
  6. Contact us for Help and read these and other Documentation.

1. Plan details area

Here you can find usage information for your Taskr subscription plan in the current billing period.

Key Areas

  1. Your Plan name.
  2. How many of your plan's included tasks you have used.
  3. How many additional tasks you have created after using your included tasks. These incur additional charges, varying by plan.
  4. Your current spending limit. If you reach this limit, we will stop creating tasks and you won't be charged any further.
  5. The percentage remaining of your current spending limit.
  6. Easily change plans and your spending limit.

2. Tasks area

The tasks card gives you a quick overview of your tasks and their state.

Key Areas

  1. How many open Tasks you have.
  2. How many new Tasks have been created in the last 24 hours
  3. How many Tasks that have been closed in the last 24 hours. 

3. Users area

For your team to access the Staff app, they will need a user account creating. The users card we show an overview of current user counts.

Key Areas

  1. Total number of Users that have access to the staff app.
  2. How many Users have been invited to access the staff app, but have not logged in yet.

Tasks screen

Here you can see all the tasks created for your store and see their status. You can also manage your teams.

Key Areas

  1. Task List
  2. Create and delete teams.

1. Task List

Here you can see an overview of all your tasks, their current assignee, and status. You can filter by team using the buttons along the top.

Key Areas

  1. Filter by team
  2. Each task has a type (of Product, Customer, or Order), a Subject, and a status. Optionally they can have a Label, Assignee, and Outcome. These are configured by you when creating your Taskr actions in Shopify Flow.
  3. Use Labels to tell your staff what action to take.
  4. Closed tasks may have an additional outcome if you have configured them. These let you create clearer options for staff and trigger follow on workflows on our Enhanced and Enterprise plans.
  5. View next and previous pages of tasks.

Users screen

Here is where you manage your staff accounts for accessing the Staff app. You can create, edit, and see your users here. There is also a helpful reminder on how to access the staff app.

Key Areas

  1. A list of your current users, and their status.
  2. Add/Edit User
  3. A link to the Staff app that you can share with users.

Add/Edit User

Create new users or edit/delete the user you have selected from the user list. You can also resend a temporary password if the user has lost or not received their original one.

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