Welcome to Taskr

If you’re brand new to Taskr (task·​er) or just researching what we can do for your store, then this is the place to start!

What is Taskr?

Taskr is a Shopify app that helps you manage tasks effortlessly. It automatically creates tasks for your team, who can then assign them to themselves and mark them as completed. This way, you can easily keep track of what's happening in your store and ensure nothing gets missed.

You can create tasks for any store activity that requires attention from your staff. For example, you can set up tasks for new orders, customers with specific tags, or products that go out of stock.

How does it work?

It works by using Shopify's own Shopify Flow app to listen for activity in your store, such as an order being placed, and then generating tasks to send to your staff via the Taskr Staff app.

How do I use it?

As a store owner, you use your Shopify admin to configure Taskr. Task creation and assignment, including team or individual allocations, are managed through our integration with Shopify’s Flow automation app. You can then manage your teams and staff users, track task progress, and view your plan usage within Taskr itself.

Your staff use the Taskr Staff app (https://taskr.team) to view the tasks that have been created for your store. They can assign tasks to themselves to show they are being worked on and close them, optionally choosing how they were completed. The Staff app also supports notifications, so your team can find out about new tasks immediately.

Next Steps

Where to go next? We recommend...

  1. Read our guides. Have a look through our guides to familiarise yourself with the different features of the app. We’ve also created a Glossary to explain some of our common terms.
  2. Experiment! You can start to create tasks for all the important things that happen in your store that you need your staff to respond to. Try creating new Shopify Flow workflows for these.

Need more help?

Don't worry. We are here to help. If you get stuck, then please drop us an email at help@kuihi.io and we will do whatever we can to get you moving again.

If you want to learn more about Shopify’s automation tool Flow, we recommend reading their documentation as well.

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